Thursday 1 March 2012

What is Palmistry
pamistry intro.jpgPalmistry is a branch of ancient science, which deals with the complete study of the palms-prints to get the idea of future events in life. Palmistry is considered as evidence which shows that everyone has a different life as we all have different palm prints. Its practice is not limited to any particular religion but it’s deeply rooted in the customary culture of ancient times.
Many stalwarts in this field of science have worked effectively and are honored internationally. In addition to the mounting and sliding lines on the palm, nails, shape of the fingers, color and surface of the skin over the palm are also seen as the important factors for the judgement.
Palmistry Lines - Palm Lines
All the lines on the palm whether big or small, thin or thick are helpful in determining the speed of the life force of a person. Hence, it is essential for an expert palmist to make a significant study of each line found on the palm. The clear and deep long lines on a palm indicate accomplishment, while the thin, broken and indefinite lines are a handicap for the person. Every person has seven main lines and twelve secondary lines.
The 7 main lines include the life line, head line, heart line, line of Apollo or sun, fate line, health line and marriage line.
Chiromancy consists of the practice of evaluating a person's character or future life by "reading" the palm of that person's hand. Various "lines" ("heart line", "life line", etc.) and "mounts" (or bumps) (chirognomy), purportedly suggest interpretations by their relative sizes, qualities, and intersections. In some traditions, readers also examine characteristics of the fingers, fingernails, fingerprints and palmar skin patterns (dermatoglyphics), skin texture and color, shape of the palm, and flexibility of the hand.
A reader usually begins by reading the person's 'dominant hand' (the hand he or she writes with or uses the most)(sometimes considered to represent the conscious mind, whereas the other hand is subconscious). In some traditions of palmistry, the other hand is believed to carry hereditary or family traits, or, depending on the palmist's cosmological beliefs, to convey information about past-life or karmic conditions.
The basic framework for "Classical" palmistry (the most widely taught and practiced tradition) is rooted in Greek mythology. Each area of the palm and fingers is related to a god or goddess, and the features of that area indicate the nature of the corresponding aspect of the subject. For example, the ring finger is associated with the Greek god Apollo; characteristics of the ring finger are tied to the subject's dealings with art, music, aesthetics, fame, wealth, and harmony.
Significance of left hand and right hand
Though there are debates on which hand is better to read from, both have their own significance. It is custom to assume that the left hands shows potential in an individual, and the right showed realized personality. Some sayings about the significance include "The future is shown in the right, the past in the left"; "The left hand is the one we are born with, and the right is what we have made of it"; "The right hand is read for men, while the left is read for women"; "The left is what the gods give you, the right is what you do with it"; "The right hand is read for right-handed people, while the left is read for left-handed people". The choice of hand to read is ultimately up to the instinct and experience of the practitioner.
§  Left The left hand is controlled by the right brain (pattern recognition, relationship understanding), reflects the inner person, the natural self, the anima, and the lateral thinking. It could even be considered to be a part of a person's spiritual and personal development. It is the "yin" of personality (feminine and receptive).
§  Right As opposites are, the right hand is controlled by the left brain (logic, reason, and language), reflects the outer person, objective self, influence of social environment, education, and experience. It represents linear thinking. It also corresponds to the "yang" aspect of personality (masculine and outgoing)


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